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FOOK 2 issue


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Just installed FOOK 2. After many rearrangements and tests with FOMM (latest) I managedto get the program to run.

Here's the weird thing - any new game I start has no cursor, no movement no F1-F3, only sneak and 3rd person view toggle and ecs. All other controls disabled, yet are correctly designated in the Controls menu.


Any OLD game I load runs fine.


Anyone have any ideas how I can start a new game again now that I have FOOK 2 loaded?


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What does your load order look like?

Wel lthis brought up some interesting issues - FOMM is no longer reporting an uncommented load order in the Load Order Report! It used to show at the bottom, but today it's not there. It's also reporting 139 duplicate entries, but I can't see any duplicates, so I have no idea what that refers to. My load order is the recommended FOMM one, and there's like 150 entries, so there's no easy way now to capture that info. I ran the Check for conflicts button, but absolutely nothing happened. I ran the file manager and found a button that would export the load order list but it only listed a dozen of the first entries, everything seems whacked since FOOK2! I could get the load order from the load order report and trim out all the comments; that will take some time. I'll do that and repost.

Does FOOK2 screw up/with FOMM?

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Well FOOK2 does not mess with FOMM.


You do not have compatibility patches for FOOK2 with WMK and MMM. EVE is integrated in FOOK2 1.1. Shojo requires CotW if I am not mistaken.







in console and see if that helps.

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Well, I re-checked my FOOK2 files and did need to add some; and I added the extra files to run with Shojo. however when I started a new character, I could not get by the new quest announcement of investigating New Corvega! Since I have been to the factory before and since there is nothing there to do except look at naked dancers, I deleted the MOD.

Now all the controls work, all the files load, and the game is running fine.

Thanks for your help! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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