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Blank Dialogue on my NPC


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Hi all,


I have been following this tutorial http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12163 to help me with creating dialogue for a npc in my mod.


I have checked, double checked, then checked again for good measure that I followed it exactly, I am still having the blank dialogue problem though.


The NPC is setup for a forced dialogue greeting per the turorial, the NPC does approach and opens with a blank dialogue then goes back about its business.


Is the tutorial missing something or am I?

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Hmm OK, I had a look at the Dialogue package seeing as you mentioned it, I noticed that the start/wait check box was ticked with no data (I guess it does this by default) so I unticked that then saved and tested to see what would happen.


Still the blank dialogue... initially


Then when opening conversation the option is there to start the dialogue (via the name of the editor ID) see image below. I can change the editor Id easily enough to be the players opening statement, but that leads on to:


I have attempted to remove other dialogue options to start with a fresh NPC but selecting and deleting or right click doesn't work, how do I do this? (not covered in tutorial)


And I still have the problem with the initial blank text box >.>


Any ideas anyone?



*edit* I'm not sure if it matters, but I will mention that beyond the initial forced greeting no further conversation or topics have yet been entered as I'm just working on one thing at a time.

Edited by wektis
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No problem.


I meant here though:


Pic of Dialogue Pkg


This is where, on the package, you indicate which dialogue topic you want your NPC to speak when it approaches the target for the force greet initially.


I see you've written more. I'll go read it now.


:) llama


Edit: Yay. Network isn't funky anymore.


have attempted to remove other dialogue options to start with a fresh NPC but selecting and deleting or right click doesn't work, how do I do this? (not covered in tutorial)


I don't know exactly what you mean by this. Can you explain more clearly. What are you trying to remove exactly? And where are you trying to remove it from?

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Problem solved for the blank dialogue box, somehow I managed to get two references for the dialogue package I wanted to use, one of which was empty, I just selected the second one of a slightly different name and all works now, you were spot on with your original suggestion, just lucky for me I clicked the drop down box again in my 6th re-check ><


I will start playing around with additional dialogue now and probably answer my own questions re default conversations and topics but if you have any input it would be appreciated!

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Thanks for the clarification.


Yes I have my dialogue associated as you have shown.


The other items I am referring to are the default Hello and Goodbye messages, Topics, and Conversation etc. (see below)




You can remove the topics in the left column by right clicking on them. However, it doesn't delete them. It simply removes them from your quest. You can still see them in the topics that you access by right click/add topic in the left column. You can delete them in there. However, be careful about deleting things. I would only ever delete a unique and brand new topic that I had created for my new esp. I would handle preexisting dialogue in a different manner if I wanted it to not play. Also, if you want to remove a topic that contains infos on the right, but will not be deleting it, I would be sure to delete all of the infos on the right first. I don't know what kind of issues, if any, might be encountered if you left them intact. But, I've found it better to not have sloppy unused dialogue cluttering up that list and clean it up as I go. You can also delete unwanted/unused dialogue in FO3Edit but that requires knowing exactly what you want to delete when you are in FO3Edit which can be a little tricky sometimes as there isn't always lots of info there.


:) llama

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