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Oblivion Not Installing


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Every time I try to install Oblivion I get this: An Error (-5006 : 0x8000ffff) Has Occurred While Running The Setup

And if I go to the details I get this:


Error Code: -5006 : 0x8000ffff

Error Information:

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\ObjectHolder.cpp (442)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kerne>SetupDLL\SetupDLL.cpp (1284)


PVENDOR:Bethesda Softworks (http://www.bethsoft.com)



@Windows (6000) BT_OTHER 12883.30483



What is happening and how do I fix this? I would really like to play Oblivion.

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What version? Original Oblivion? Game of the Year version? Other? language version?

Where is it from? Original DVD? Steam? D2D? Other?


Each of these have their quirks.

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I would suspect a bad disk. Look to see if it is scratched, sometimes you can buff scratches out.

Here is a link to a site that explains how to recover scratched CDs & DVDs





The CD is brand new from Walmart. I have been having a problem like this, but I sent it to be fixed and since then, this is the only problem I have had when trying to install something.

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