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The Hobbit II+III - Tauriels armor


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Hello, guys


I've got an Mod Request and idea, namely the armor of Tauriel of The Hobbit II+III. I know, there are lots of armor mods like Tauriels armor, but most of them are to skimpy for me.


Heres a good basic i think,

HERE is the original armor.


Heres a good basic for her second armor,

HERE the second original.


These two files are to skimpy for me, hope somebody will forge a non-skimpy armor of Tauriel,


Greetings Le Fuet

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I've actually seen this request in the forums before. So given it's large demand, I'm going to be contacting some of the modelers I know (the ones who aren't currently too busy) And I'm going to see about implementing this into my team's Shire mod as an extra. We'd probably release a standalone version after that.

I'm not promising anything, but I'll see what I can do.(that is unless somebody else wants to take this project on themselves)

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