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Well this is my first post, and I love using Nexus for my modding needs... well, I'm going to get straight to the rat killing... Tabard's. We see a variation of them upon the guards in vanilla armor, but I was thinking, what if someone made a mod to add these pieces of clothing that can be worn over armor, simple ones really, of each of the holds/cities... even factional tabard's like The Companions, the Legion, and The Mages College. If no one thought of this, I am fairly surprised. Considering the level of technical genius used to make these mods. So I request if its possible. That someone undergoes this attempt and add Over armor Tabards.

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  • 9 months later...

It's "technically" possible to make a clothing.armour item that would be a tabbard, much like Cloaks of Skyrim really. You could use one of the several unused outfit slots for it, but the problem is going to be the dreadfull clipping it would cause. Skyrim's cloth physics are atrocious so I don't see how you could easily make it work. On NPC's that don't move much, or on fairly slim and simple armours it would probably be OK, but particularly on some of the more exotic armours like Daedric, or on the Dovakin themselves due to the many varied animations, it'd look terrible.

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