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The Moving Company


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When you move from one house to another, it's usually a pain in the ass to have to move all your belongings and loot. Imagine if there was a company, with branches in each capital city, who could pack up your items and move them for you.


The containers in your new home that your items would go into would depend on the containers they were in in your old home.


For example, if you're moving from Breezehome in Whiterun to Honeyside in Riften:


  • The items in your default chest in Breezehome (the one you get without any upgrades, next to your bed) would be placed in the default chest in Honeyside (the one right next to the back door, next to the docks).
  • Placing items in the cupboard just next to the door in Breezehome, would have those items placed in the cupboard in Honeside (immediately to your left after entering the front door).


And so on, and so forth.


Loose items (such as food items, cast iron pots, and alchemy ingredients found on shelves) would be placed in containers in your new home appropriate to the where they would be located. For example, ingredients would go in an apothecary satchel (if you have one), soul gems would go in the container nearest the enchanting table that isn't already being used for something else, clothes and armor would go in a wardrobe, jewelry and gems would go in a "dresser" (such as at the foot of your bed), and so on.


Any takers?

Edited by stebbinsd
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