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samurai armor from Onimusha


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i have a samurai character and while i do like the current list of samurai armor mods, i would like something similar to what Samanosuke wears in Onimusha and/or Onimusha 3. the closest that's already been made would have to be Ghogiel's, but i have a few minor issues with it: it's all one piece and i prefer being able to mix and match; the body armor looks fat compared to robert's male body v5, so a thinner waiste would be nice; and i prefer the gauntlets (i think they're called kote? not sure) cover the forearm. i have no modding skills whatsoever so if anyone could either make new meshes based on the onimusha armor or make some edits to Ghogiel's samurai armor (with permission of course) i'd very much appreciate it ^^ on a related note, i also really like the weapons from both games and if possible would love to add them. thanks for any consideration and please pm me if you decide to make it



as for visual clues, just google "Samanosuke Akechi" he's the one in red lol i prefer the armor from Onimusha 3 but with the body piece from 1



i just thought of this but a red retex of the gloves and boots from alexscorpion's deadly shadows ninja armor could work too ><

Edited by Fulchrum
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i thought it might be easier to look at all the many google images than ones i could find lol but i grabbed a couple i thought looked good. first 2 are from onimusha 1 and second 2 are from onimusha 3 i'll try to find the weapons. i think the lightning katana was Raizen, the fire greatsword was Enryuu and the wind naginata was Shippuu. the two from the third game that i liked were the Tenso which was light elemental katana and wakizashi and the Kuga which was an air elemental tachi. i'll look for some pics ^^




i couldn't find any pics of the weapons that weren't fuzzy or to scale to the character ><

Edited by Fulchrum
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