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Please Make this for me! (its simple)


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Buyification-o-tron 3000:

Robot that sells nothing and has inf. money so i can sell anything to him.

Hes next to the clinic stretcher in megaton.



I tried doing this my self but when ever i sold him somthing i dident get any money.


I can have a go. Where would you like him to be placed?

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Alternatively if you're looking for a vendor having infinite money you could always go to an already existing vendor, open the console with the ~ tilde key, and click on the vendor. Type "additem f 999999" without quotes, exit console and the vendor now has infinite money, without the need for another esp cloggin up your load list ;).


Unless of course you specifically needed that npc to be a vendor, in which case I haven't made a vendor npc yet so I can't help =\.

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yep or you could do that :P

I have made him for you anyway, look under my username (Trueform) or look under the Gameplay Changes in the catagories section for Buyification-O-Tron 3000 to find him.

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