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Mod Request for a more Immersive Gameplay


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well after starting a new game in skyrim i get a couple of new mod ideen i would really like to see if someone can make these into a mod:


well here they are (sorry for my bad english) :


all citys with an own worldspace are locked
get access to a locked city depended on race and status (dragenborn or not), skill and or money
each city has different values/methods do get into it bassed on the history
tharlmor bypass to get into citys with a consequence quest
starting area now locked down by immortal dragons that only attack the new faction dragonslayerandguard
- only guards and the player are in this faction hostile to these dragons everyone that is not in this faction will not tack part in these combats
every outside settelment now have one of these dragons and on immortal guard.
guard and dragons will turn killable after balgruf knows that you are the dragenborn.

stormcloak have a badge of office normal for soldiers and higher ones for officers. can be turned in for gold if you are an imperial soldier at a new npc in solitude.
same goes for the imperial, they will have seals normal and higher that can be turned for random supplies (leveld for different value based on your stormloacl ranck) in as a stormloack at a new npc in windhelm.

unique badge/seal/amulet for ulfric/tulluis/alduin that can be turned in for a high amont of gold and supplies. these uniques are also wearable as amulets that buffs certain stats.

you cant start the quest to youin the stormloacks/imperial army you first have to pass an speech/skill check at ulfric/tullius


hopefully someone can take a look at it

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