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Unlit Hotel Room Window Object


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I have a mod here on the Nexus that fixes the interior spaces of the El Rey Motel. I am happy with the way that the mod has turned out, but the interior motel rooms don't look quite right; the only free-standing window in the game is always lit, and it's not optimum for all situations/environments (like this one). It's been a long time since I've been able to sit down with FNV, and I'd like to get this issue knocked out once and for all.


I was able to create a new texture for an interior window using GIMP and the original Fallout NV textures, but the new window still glows even though I have changed the texture! Would someone here be able to take a look at the texture and the associated NIF and tell me how to eliminate this glow? I have attached the relevant DDS and NIF files to this post. If the NIF can't be changed, would someone here be willing to create a new NIF to make this window work?


I don't plan on doing any more modding for New Vegas, but I'd like to at least get this mod finalized in a form that I am happy with before I uninstall the game!


Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter!



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I see two things at first sight:

- In the mesh you've attached, the diffuse texture is pointing to a -e.dds (which is an EnvCube map) not to your texture.

- The Emit Multi setting (in the NiMaterialProperty, node 54) is set on 3, which will make everything very bright, set it on 1, which is the standard setting.


These two things can be adjusted in NifSkope.


Now, the whole object is animated with Controllers I not familiar with, but I'm pretty sure they influence the brightness also. I need to study and understand them before suggesting anything.

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I went into the mesh and did as you suggested, but the mesh is still emitting a faint glow. When I look under 54 (NiMaterialProperty), I see Ambient and Diffuse color listings there (both set to #ffffff), but they are greyed out, and even when I right-click on them and try to choose a different color (black), it doesn't seem to be saving the color change. There is a similar Emissive Color section under 55 (BSShaderPPLightingProperty) that is set to #ffffff that I cannot seem to change. Should I try deleting the 55 block (or block tree?) altogether?

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I went a little deeper in the nif.

You've used the NVMotelWindowExt to make your window, right?

It's an exterior window, placed as an activator in the Vanilla game. There's a script attached to it, triggering the controller sequences inside.

The script (Scn WastelandWindowScript) will turn the light/reflection On between 19:50 and 06:50 and Off on daytime, so that it looks lighten from the inside at night.

(Actually, the reflective window mesh is made visible during night and invisible during day, leaving the window of the static building visible)


Here's what I've done:

A customized window, that is On during day (as if light was coming from outside) and Off during night, which is what I suppose you want to have.


Place it as an Activator, attach the Vanilla Scn WastelandWindowScript.




I've inverted the name of the sequences, then I've added an unlit version into the nif and made it visible/invisible via the Controller sequences as opposite of the lit version.

This unlit part is pointing to your new texture.

As GeckNV isn't responding well for me, I've tested it in FO3, so you'll need to correct the path for the Unlit version. Go to the Node 71 BSShaderTextureSet and adjust it there.

I suggest that you change the name of your texture; the "_letter" at the end of a name is a convention for the type of texture, like Name_n.dds for Normal Map, _g for Glow Map, etc.
Better name it Motel_WindowInt.dds or something.

When testing, at first, there was a flickering effect, like if the two versions where visible at the same time, but after a cycle, the window behaves as expected.

I don't have the time now to go deeper on this. But I hope that will help you to finalize your project.

If it's not working for you, I can provide a window that will permanently be Off.

All I ask is a credit somewhere, if used. :smile:




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It is working perfectly! Thank you VERY much! I will definitely credit you for your assistance in finishing this mod, as well as the El Rey Player Room I am working on!


One (hopefully) last question - would it be possible for me to use this mesh with another window texture? I had gotten permission from NMC and tapioks to use their motel window textures to create "alternate windows" for this mod so it would mesh better with people using their texture packs. Or would this mesh have to be re-worked in order to also be used with their textures?


Many thanks for your assistance! :)

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Glad it works for you!


It should work with any texture, provided the UV is matching, just a matter of changing the texture path.

Inside you nif, there are two Nodes now, one pointing to the game texture, the other to your texture; make sure to adjust both accordingly.


Should you have more question, don't hesitate...


You're welcome! :)



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