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cleaning a plugin


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I just merged a few mods into a new esp, which is working fine, but then it appeared to me, that i might aswell have all the items stashed in the testinghall, so it does not clutter up my world so much. Hooray, wonderfull i think and started to cut and paste everything from the object window. Saved. Loaded it, but then i got land tears with better cities. I now see this is the load order.

Still: I want to get rid of the old records, so that it has maximum compability.

Is there a way to make it sound? Thank you very much in advance.

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Easiest method would be to use Tes4edit and remove all worldspace/cell edits except for the testing hall ones. (you can also do that with the cs but it is way slower method)

EDIT: also NPC and container records if needed.

Pacific Morrowind

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