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Missing Wall/Model Textures


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So recently I installed http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54460/? (Fallout Character Overhaul) and I've been having a fair amount of trouble with red diamonds, I followed the authors advice, turned off and on Archive Invalidation. Now the red diamonds are gone, but some props, mainly the displays in Repconn HQ and the walls of Camp Golf are missing textures.








Quick note about the above pictures, the walls reappeared for a moment before vanishing when I took these screencaps. And before you ask, Yes I am using ENB, I'm using Enhanced Shaders.

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FCO doesn't touch the wall texture. But there are some problems with enhanced shaders that may cause this. You can try to edit enblocal.ini and set:



If this doesn't help try disabling detailed shadows because this causes shadow flickering.

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I'd give you a Nuka Cola Quartz if I had it. The FixtransparencyBugs worked perfectly.

You kept me from spending hours disabling and re-enabling mods to find which one screwed everything up. :D


Edit: The second I went outside however, I could see the nearby mess tents through the building. Ugh. :dry:

Edited by Twister980
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Nope, still getting these images. Last one is lovely.








Edit: Scratch that, I added the two codes to the INI files, and I forgot to turn AntiAliasing in the launcher back off. Thanks for the help.

Edited by Twister980
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