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Slave mod request.


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Hello all, I just wanted to put in an idea I had for a mod. I have no experience in modding so this would likely be something to inspire someone else to make the mod.


What I noticed about Fallout 3 is that you can be a slaver, there are multiple slaver mods, but there are really no mods that make YOU into a slave (besides the few wearable slave collar mods but that's pretty pointless since the collar is disarmed). I usually play the game using the Children of the Wasteland mod and I've always wondered why (even with an adult character) the slavers in the wasteland show pretty much no attention towards you if you haven't caused them to become hostile. Here's a young kid wandering the wastes all on his/her own and they do nothing. Shouldn't they at least try to slap a collar onto you? If they're successful in putting the collar on you they could tell you to run to Paradise Falls (Just like you would do to someone you just enslaved) after taking your possessions, or at least weapons. You would be given a reasonable time limit to get to Paradise Falls and if the time runs out your head explodes. Now when you make it to Paradise Falls, you run into the guard who says something like. "Well well, fresh meat" or something like that and directs you to the slave pens. Once you're locked into the pens, you wait a good amount of time before an NPC buys you.This Master will then give you errands to run like scavenging for food or ammo, or even killing someone important since even if you fail you're 'expendable'. Put in some good service and your Master can choose to free you back into the wastes, just don't get enslaved again or you'll just be given to a new Master.


This is just something that I've been thinking about for a while now and I would love to see someone picking it up. On the note of the Pitt, I don't really see it as you being a slave. I mean you have free run of the area, you don't get half the treatment of the other slaves which is odd since you're fresh meat in the compound and you're out of there in a relatively short amount of time.

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Ah I see. I wish someone would pick the idea up though since it would really make a good addition to the game.
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Well I can't blame you for misinterpreting the name. Is there a way I can change the title to something less misleading?
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Ah okay. XD


On topic though, what would be required to actually get this kinda mod off the ground? I'm guessing someone who is really good at scripting? What else would be needed?

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