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Change idle marker for dogmeat and make home companion friendly


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I am a novice at modding and pretty much a beginner at scripting and I want to make a small change to Dogmeat's script, but I don't want to risk screwing him up, so I'm sort of hesitant about just trying random things to see what they do.


I want to make it so he can enter a playerhome I'm making and I want to reset his idle/waiting location, moving it from outside Vault 101 to inside my mod cel. I don't know how to even begin to do this. I've looked at his script, and I really can't follow it well enough to find out what it is in there that causes him to teleport to Vault 101 when you tell him to (or after you leave him waiting in the wilderness for too long). I'd also like to change the message script so that the prompt doesn't say "vault 101" anymore, but says the name of my player home.


Anybody know how to do this? Any help would be appreciated.

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Yes, to change where he goes you need to look at the FollowersQuestScript. He movesto EvacuationMarker. I imagine if you replace EvacuationMarker with a marker that you place in your house he will go there instead. I don't know for sure that would work as I've never tried it, and things don't always work as imagined. You could also remove the entire firing thing on waiting if you wanted to so that he would wait indefinitely by going into the results script of the wait dialogue and removing the statement: set Followers.DogmeatWaitingLeaveDay to ( GameDaysPassed + FollowerWaitTime )



Another thing you could do, and one of the things I did when I was just starting to study how to use the GECK, was DL other mods that do what you are interested in and look at them and how they did it. I learned a lot from taking mods apart. Different authors do things in different ways but it helps you learn how the GECK works seeing the different ways to do things. I am sure there must be at least one Dogmeat mod that allows you to change his homebase.


I encourage you to try anything and not be afraid to experiment. I would recommend, however, that you keep backups so that you don't end up working yourself into a corner of some horrific mistake. I usually make a backup every morning when I'm actively modding, sometimes twice a day if I'm especially nervous, and often right before I try something I'm especially worried about. But I'm still pretty nooby so am not super confident about every thing I try and like to experiment a lot.


Also, I have a couple of tutorials to recommend to you.


Cipscis has an excellent beginner scripting tutorial: Linky


I don't think I'd be scripting without it


Also, there is a nice dialogue tutorial on Nexus you should DL. It will show you the way around dialogue and you'll be able to change what you want.


Dialogue and Quest Tutorial




:) llama

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