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Porting FC4 Content into FC3 or Blood Dragon


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Since Far Cry 4 has been working less-than-spectacularly on my computer, I've been digging around to see if any of its features could be ported into Far Cry 3 and/or Blood Dragon. Both use the Dunia 2 engine (albeit with minor improvements in FC4), so I don't think there should be any compatibility problems. I've been snooping through my FC4 files with the Gibbed Dunia 2 tools, but the file structure there is different than it was in the last game, making older tutorials unreliable for this sort of thing.


Would this even be possible to do? I'm not looking to port entire quests or characters, mind you. I would just want to start small with weapons, then work my way up to vehicles/wildlife if initial results prove to be successful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm gunna go out on a limb and say no, being that FC 4 is newer, despite the fact they are running the same engine, the way the game handles things is still probably very different on some level and you're inviting all sorts of brokenness by trying to do so, not to mention there's not a real system for importing models and stuff into the game that I'm aware of, BUT I may be wrong, and I wish you luck, that's a little more digging than i care to do personally

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