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Problem with Mage Gear


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Hello everyone,

First thank you for taking the time to review the issue I am having, I know I am not that active of a member but I hope to change that in time. Now onto the issue at hand. I have recently started a new game of DAO and I seem to be having an issue with the mage gear. It will not equip onto my mage characters. First I thought it was because of a stat or level issue but I have now come to find out this is not the case. When I try to equip it, it is as if I am trying to put it on a non-mage character...even when I go into the inventory it is grayed out like it is not meant for that character...Please can you help? Also the mage specific armor and gear can equip on non mage characters !?!!? lol wtf right?


I am using a number of mods also running patch 1.04


If anyone knows how to remedy this issue I would greatly appreciate it

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The mods are as far as I know nothing more than the downloadable content mods and a mod that adds new professions and such (Warlock Paladin, etc) and the gear I was trying to equip was the pice of mage gear you get from completing the Chasind Sign Quest in the Wilds.


Correction: The mage gear you got from the mages chest in Ostagar

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First thing to try is disabling Leliana's Song, Golems of Am and Witch Hunt (just unchecking them should be sufficient) and then try to equip your items. Second thing to try (should that fail) would be to disable those profession mods one at a time.
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