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Fallout new vegas question


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If it is anything like FO3, I run the game with FOSE and it doesnt even start the Steam service.


i think a lot will change, fo3 is a pretty old game, a lot of things have changed since it came out. i am hoping they added a separate mods folder. it would make install and uninstall of mods much easier. i bet that fose will no longer be needed as well. it is just an add on to add more scripting options that weren't put in the game to begin with. new vegas seems to have a lot of mods that were on nexus for fo3, leads me to believe that the scripting is much broader then it was with fo3

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For one, you have Steam Cloud, easy Updates, easy access to future DLC - etc. PLUS, the devs don't have people whining about DRM or say GFWL. There are many reasons for it to use Steam, many of which do in some way benefit the average end-user. lol

True. Every game is released with some mechanism to dissuade pirates, and of all the available options, Steam is my favourite. It's relatively non-invasive, you only have to go online once, you can have infinite reinstalls and redownloads across as many computers as you like, and it patches your games automatically (but only if you want it to)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Don't know where I should write, so will write here.


I downloaded 2 mods: 46lvlcap and More Perks. I supposed that when I'll reach 32lvl i will recieve new perks, but there was no one, just skills. Is it bug or normal thing ? In case it is a bug - how i should solve it ?


Thanks for future answers.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Don't know where I should write, so will write here.


I downloaded 2 mods: 46lvlcap and More Perks. I supposed that when I'll reach 32lvl i will recieve new perks, but there was no one, just skills. Is it bug or normal thing ? In case it is a bug - how i should solve it ?


Thanks for future answers.

If a mod isnt working properly then go to the site you downloaded it from, find the mod, and look for a comments section. Post your question there so the person who wrote the mod can explain how its supposed to work or help u find out why it isnt. Most moders in my experience like feedback on whats working and what isnt so they can improve.

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