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Cycle through weapons !!!


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I know that we can just assign hotkey numbers to weapons, but why isn't it possible to have some "Next weapon" "Previous weapon" buttons? That would make it much easier and funner to play vs getting a new weapon and, "Oh, I better go into pipboy and assign a key for it, well all my slots are full, have to bump one out" know what I mean?


Has this been done yet or is it possible?



Also another question, is it possible to assign the arrow keys to turn left and right?

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Cool, well hopefully someone could have time for this one. It is kinda frustrating because I use arrow keys and not wsad so my hand is always going far away from movement to change weapons, and then that's even if I press the right number, agh, frustrating... lol
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  • 3 months later...

please, can someone do this? :D


I would like to point 2 mods that can help:

Grenade Hotkey - it detects weapons of certain kind (melee or grenades, why not ranged?)

Portable Tent - you can select items to a list to be excluded from auto-sort command (that list could be used to we select the items/weaponsOfAnyKind to cycle thru!!)


So we could bind the non existant Hotkey2 to do something actually usefull (as most ppl seem to rebind ammo swap anyways..). I just lost may Hotkey8 (and realized we actually have only 7 hotkeys...) to be able to use the key "2" redirecting Hotkey8 to "2".




EDIT: oh god... I thought I was speaking on the New Vegas forum :(, those mods are from there... Admin, any tips on how to proceed? :/. I think this mod would be good in FO3 also of course, but I have no idea about how are things going on FO3...

Edited by ghussak
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