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Let's make Bound Armor together!


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Hello everyone, looking for help from someone with graphics talents.


I would like to include unique-looking Bound Armor in Mighty Magick; specifically, Daedric Armor with visual effects similar to what appears on Bound Weapons.


The existing "true bound armor" mod does not quite match what I want. I want there to be separate pieces (a helmet, boots, gauntlets and cuirass, just like the vanilla daedric suit), and they need to look very similar to Bound Weapons. I achieved something semi-similar by editing the Alpha of the bsLightingShaderProperty in Nifscope, and changing the emitted light to a shade of purple. But, the results weren't spectacular - a semitransparent suit of Daedric armor that glowed a dull purple. Meanwhile the bound weapons have flames and such and look like they have a lot more oomph.


Would someone be willing to help me out with meshes and textures for this project?

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