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Adorable follower.


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aye so I have been searching for a mod that gives me a young Khajiit follower. simply put I like adorable things. I like the Khajiit as a race and I love those stories or anime whichever where there is a powerful young warrior, boy or girl both even that people mistake as weak. but have powerful skills, magical or otherwise.

I found this one http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59028/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D59028&pUp=1

but seeing I am not very computer savvy so unless its supported by nexus mod manager I really cant download or install it.

as well I like to use the TK children, at least I think that is what its called. it gives a unique look to every child. well almost unique. but doesnt allow for the other than nord children mods. so I am hoping this mod would give a stand alone khajiit child follower that is not classified as a child and doesnt have an adult voice. it is also very obnoxious to have khajiit followers that have nord voices. I know there is no young Khajiit voices but still.

highest hopes if someone takes on this mod request

is a fluffy adorable khajiit child who is powerful but not too powerful. has lots of good dialog, kinda like Inigo, that mod was AMAZING. but with a child or at least young warrior(s) Adoptable fully voiced and lacking in the more awkward mistakes and bugs that usually come with these types of mods.

lowest expectations if someone takes on this mod request: Silent Khajiit child, fluffy and adorable, skin from my little kitty (adoptable khajiit) as a follower



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ah I found these very helpful thank you ^_^ though my original request is still there XD

maybe we could pull off another Inigo just with a super adorable little Khajiit >w<

or what would be really cool that I dont see any mods for is a teenager, there are young adults everywhere but they still look kinda like old hairy men, if we could reduce their height and weight making them look like they still have some growing to do then work on their faces, maybe we could get somewhere, but with a Khajiit just height and weight. adorableness is the goal lol

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