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Need Help with locking doors script


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Hey so i want to add a script to a door so that it locks at expert and an be opened by a specific key A00key00A, "just double click on the door and go to lock noob" er no thx i used this door over 1000 times to create a massive prison and it would be much simpler to add a script to the base object for this thing,

please dont tell me im gonna have to go through every door individually.


onevent blahblah


No idea what to do here lol



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Unfortunately you still have to cycle through the doors in some shape or form, as Papyrus doesn't have a function to give a door a key to open it with. You can set the lock level and lock status with a script though with the SetOpen() and SetLockLevel(). Depending on how you did this, you would either have to attach this script to every single door (if you didn't make your own prison door form in the Creation Kit), or add it to a custom door form in the Door object list, and it should apply to each of your doors (though you still have to go through and specify the key individually).

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Form property A00FimpjailDoor02 auto
int count

event ontriggerenter(objectreference akactionref)
count = count + 1
if count == 0


it tells me that setlocklevel is not a function so i try add the next line in but it dont work help


Function SetLockLevel(int aiLockLevel) native
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