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RM compatible Zombie race


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I'm looking for a zombie race that uses body parts from Robert's male body or any other good body mod. My requirement is that it has decayed flesh that is torn in some pieces so it actually looks like a zombie and that it has a skeleton that can be animated. The only good mod I've found is this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10688 but I have to use the default meshes or the textures will be out of place. An alternative is if you know an easy way to force the race to use another mesh than what's used for the other races. I don't intend to play it, I want it for summonings and quests if it makes any difference. If anyone found such a mod or just the resources I would like to know or if you by any chance would like to make a race like this I would be happy. :)
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