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additemwmatwprop script

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Could someone possibly compile folowing nss script (based on additemwmat) and post resulting ncs file somewhere for download? I don't have toolset installed, but I would like to add some custom properties to items or remove existing ones. Code link:


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Heyas Dataman :)


Its already been done, and has been around for a while now ;)



hdhd's original script that this was based off of. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1131


the updated script that includes the materials codes. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1387


I know about those two scripts, point is this one would allow to set/unset item properties, and items are taken from additemwmat script. I need someone to compile it (and perhaps test it if it works) in toolset so that I don't have to wait till weekend to install it (only father has admin rights which the installer requires and he is abroad).

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Got it. If someone is interested:



Contains 2 scripts + source code



Use: runscript ds_additem itemname.uti[,numberOfItems[,materialID]] [property1_id[,property1_value=1]] [propertyN_id[,propertyN_value=1]]

Negative property ID means remove property (if value is given, it is ignored).


Example: runscript ds_additem gxa_im_wep_mag_sta_001.uti 10000 1003,5


ds_wsetprops - set equiped item properties

Use: runscript ds_wsetprops type property_list

where type is main, offhand, ring1, ring2, belt, head, boots, gloves, chest

and property_list list of properties as in ds_additem


For more info, check source code.

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Ah, very cool!

Sorry that I couldnt get back to you a lot sooner, stuff has been kept me pretty active over this week :(

But I'm glad to see that you've got it :D


Kudos given for getting that taken care of



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