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Catalog/ordering mod?


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And trust me, I've searched. I may just have not used the right words, but I couldn't seem to find a mod in which you can look at some kind of catalog or list, browse trough a variety of items and order them through mail or something. You know, like a shop but about anywhere you go, where there is a mailbox. And the item gets delivered- oh, just perhaps- to your house? Or to you personally, by a messenger? You'd have the possibility to choose the method, of course (maybe for an extra fee, the item would arrive faster). To order, like I said, you'd have some sort of magazine/catalog which you can use multiple times; that, or you have to buy parchments on which you write your command.


I am no modder myself, and I couldn't create the simplest modification, so I have no idea to what extent this is possible. Feel free to say I am mad, or simply a dreamer, but at least I'll have tried. And if such a mod(s) exists, feel free to indicate me where to find it. Or if you could make one yourself, I'd be happy to support you (with some nice encouragements! :thumbsup: )

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  • 2 weeks later...
Unless, of course, there is such a system in Nehrim. If there is, I have yet to encounter it. I wonder how well it would work... So far though, it seems it'd be more appropriate in Oblivion than in Nehrim, since there seems to be much more large cities in Cyrodiil.
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