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Need some help learning to mod


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I'd like to learn how to write mods, because I have some ideas I'd like to try out, or would like to help some of the people with unfinished mods finish theirs (like Cybernetic Dawn....got some ideas I think could be neat).




I'm having a heck of a time figuring this stuff out. I've done some of the tutorials on the Bethesda site. I can build Vault 74 OK I guess. Scripting and the like is totally beyond me. Forget meshes, textures, all the rest of it.


The problem is, I seem to learn some things better when there is someone else there in person to show me what I'm doing wrong, walk me through the process, etc. And I think this is one of those things. Plus my time for learning this is pretty limited. Full time work, full time college, family, friends, etc. At the rate I'm going, I'll probably have my first Fallout 3 mod done by 2017 or so. Not good.


So if anyone would like to help me learn, I'd be much obliged. There's pizza and/or beer (if you're 21 or over...I'm not going to buy booze for kids) in it for you. If you're not 21, substitute soda or whatever for beer. Heck, doesn't even have to be pizza, I'll buy subs if you'd prefer.


I live in NW Ohio, about an hour from Columbus, so figure Cleveland, Akron/Canton, Toledo, even Cincy and Fort Wayne, Indiana are within relatively easy driving distance (couple hours or so). If anyone decides they are willing to take pity on a poor fool who's just taking his first steps into the world of modding, let me know. Reply to this post, PM, send smoke signals....well, maybe not that last one.


Thanks in advance.


Edit: I don't THINK I violated any forum rules. I looked before posting. If I did, let me know a better way to rephrase the offending part and I'll change it. Thanks.

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Well, I live in the UK, so I don't think I could really help out with coming over to help you :P


if you want a hand with learning some things though, I can offer any of my limited advice you need :) I started modding not long ago (although I have a lot of time on my hands) and went from having looked over the geck briefly once to being able to mod a working companion and learn some scripting in about a month thanks to some excellent tutorials.


Scripting is very much like another language, and it seems very complicated (and it can be!) but if you're determined enough, you can work your way through the geck in a relatively decent amount of time. If you have any questions, please feel free to private message me and ask them; if I can help, I will :)

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