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Seasons that change with time of year? / Dynamic Time of Day?


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On the console I actually managed to get 1 and a half in game years played through, and was wondering if there were any mods that dynamically changed the scenery and climate of Skyrim for certain parts of the year? I know it's possible, Bethesda did it in this vidya; http://youtu.be/eOUCDIP9uV0?t=25s


Second idea i'd like is if there was a mod that pulled system time and matched it with in game time? Like if i'm playing at night IRL, it's also night in game with real time flow and date changing even between play sessions+^_^+


If mods like these already exist, i couldn't find them and would very much like a link+^_^+

Edited by ChikTikkaQuick
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