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Gain magicka from Enchantments/Soul gems


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The idea comes from various fantasy novells where the mages could store mana in gems/jewelry. It would act as alternative mean to regain magicka besides magicka potions.


You could get a spell, that when cast, gave you X% of your magicka back, but emptied a soulgem in your inventory.

An even more developed solution would be craftable necklace/ring, or a new enchantment for jewelry. This enchantment would give you no bonus for your PC, but would have an insane amount of charge. Once you use the spell, it would drain the enchantment of the ring/necklace.



Another take: You click on your soulgem in your inventory, it is used up and regains your magicka. Essentially giving soulgems magicka potion-like properties.



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