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CTD when entering the Winking Skeever (and ONLY then)


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So, i managed to get Skyrim running beautifully with a rather large number of mods (114 mods in NMM as i am writing this) and everything runs just fine, no crashes (except this one), no fps drops, good performance, mods patched so everything is compatible with everything (as far as i can tell)

Just one thing i can't seem to figure out. When i enter the Winking Skeever in Solitude, my game just crashes to desktop. No way around it. Tried coc-ing into the Inn, but the same thing happens.

So i decided to disable every single mod one by one and try entering the Inn over 100 times in total, but it's always the same. I think it must be a mod conflict, but i have no idea how to figure out which mods are in conflict. LOOT doesn'T show any conflict when i let it sort the List. I tried finding out about this on the net but wasn't able to find anything.

I was hoping someone here could take a look at my Mods list and maybe spot something that could cause the game to crash ONLY when entering the winking skeever. I have not found another location that crashes the game, so it has to be something specific to that zone.

I would really appreciate any help with this. I need the Winking Skeever for the Quests that take place there.

Modlist posted on Pastebin because i don't want this post to be annoyingly long.

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