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Some advice needed with FOSE cloning please :)


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I am attempting a mod but so far have been only partially successful, so I want to try another route.


I am a relative beginner with scripting, although not a complete beginner, and have only just got the FOSE; having looked on the official GECK site and studying BigPinball's Fung Shui script, I have been made aware of the ability to clone objects.


I think this would solve one of my major problems for the mod I want (collectible corpses) but I don't have any idea how to start, and can't find any tutorials using this function beside the very vague advice on the GECK site (and to be honest, BigPinball's script is, although very good, also very complicated and left me confused on what I needed to look at for the cloning scripts :P).


Could anyone point me in the right direction to go regarding cloning an item, perhaps some advice on how to keep them in the forms list to reference them later by dropping an item? I would really appreciate any help you guys can give me, and kudas will be giving where appropriate.


Thank you for your time :)

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