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Combat & Dismemberment Realism


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i'm sure this exists already; or at least i'm hoping it does.

Most mods that make gunfights and the like realistic by editing the weapons' stats themselves. Meanwhile, the same goes for the odds of dismemberment. Modders tweak the values of the actual weapons to get the desired taste that they want. This means that if you're like me and want combat realism (ie: the inability to take repeated bullets to the head) and sensible dismemberment, (ie: no exploding limbs from handgun fire) at the same time, you're pretty much out of luck. The same goes for additional weapon mods and the like; new items added by mods go virtually unchanged!


i want combat realism : it should make the game a big challenge without being unrealistic. Normally i'd just turn up the difficulty in the options menu but if i can't take a shotgun blast to the skull, then neither should Raiders! The damage-dealt to damage-taken ratio is far too unfair in the vanilla game, no matter what difficulty!


But i also want dismemberment realism : Shotguns at close range can sometimes take out a head or a limb, but NOT handgun shots from 30 feet away! Grenades mangle limbs, mines blow off legs, rockets send parts flying...but a sniper round to the forehead could never sever the neck! Seriously.


Problem is, i want these at the same time. Any suggestion?


-Kawai Tei-

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Suggestion A: Learn how to use the GECK. It's not hard, once you get the hang of it, it just takes a long time. Which is why so many requests go unanswered.

Suggestion B: Search F03Nexus for a few mods, then learn to use use F03edit and PluginMerger. Using F03edit, you can remove any part of a mod you don't want from said mod, while keeping the rest. Using Plugin Merger, you can take all those little mods and splice them into one file.

And kudos for being the first other person I've seen that hates how sniper rifles an pistols sever limbs.

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There's a lot of mods that do this stuff already, albeit to the creators' particular desires. Both headshots and dismemberment is possible at the same time. You just edit the guns themselves as you said, for dismemberment options, and for realistic headshots, you can edit the body part data for any creature in the game, including yourself. I generally gather multiple realism mods and modify them to my liking with FO3Edit. You can get it if you just dive in there and use trial and error.


As for a mod that includes realism with both of those options, I'd recommend starting with Arwen's Realism Tweaks. She is very thorough with modifying Fallout for realism. You can even be restricted from using 2-handed weapons if an arm is crippled.



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I would also like to see this, I am familiar with the GECK and such mods that do what he requests, exist, but are not inter-compatible, even with my familiarity with the GECK, I still don't know how to change the impact data.. I can mod weapons, add new meshes/textures, create new ammo types, and everything, I just cannot seem to edit impact data...
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