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Help Fixing up Load Order


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Wait what? I'm confused. You started with LO problems which Shadowfen has provided solutions on how to resolve the permission problems you are having. Then you are apparently cursing Bethesda for a corrupt save and you lost your character? Well unfortunately corrupt saves happen, with many games or other documents. It's always a possibility. That's why it's a good idea to keep several backups and save frequently.


Please tell me you didn't have only one save for a 500+ hour character? If so that's just terrible judgment, on your part. I cannot understand why anyone would rely on one save for that much time and effort put into anything, a game save or work related documents. I hope this isn't the case and you have another save you can fall back on?

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No, but I've reloaded many saves only fifteen twenty minutes apart, for this character. Even ten hours before, the problem is all saves- across the board start corrupting at random with this character, backup saves, removing bloat, fixing abomb, changing load order removing/adding mods doesn't seem to be helping. I was hoping boss would totally rearrange my load order and find a fatal flaw, unfortunately windows seven is scared of a program smaller than a megabyte that I activate. I don't know why this is happening to this character in particular, if he's got too many saves and he just hits a corruption wall or what, never in all 2000+ Hours (Yes really two thousand) of fallout three did I ever run into corruption issues, never in morrowind did I run into this problem, it just started happening and all the hard work I put into this character, the items I've accumulated and everything else that entails may be gone now, and it's making me sad.
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