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Resurrecting the player after a certain amount of time?


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Good day ppl.


I'm somewhat new to Fallout 3, but I have been programming stuff, so I am somewhat proficient at coding and the like.


Of course, since I AM new at Fallout 3, and GECK/FOSE, I am still looking at the syntax of the commands/functions/etc. While doing so i found a way for players to generate their health, something like getting the percentage of the players health and player.resethealth'ing for it to return to the normal state. However once the player receives damage far greaterthan their total hit points, he/she goes flying like a racoon.


Now as much as possible I don't want to resort to the togglegodmode command. What I DO want however is either A.) the player resurrects at a certain amount of time(e.g. 20 seconds?) or B.) player resurrects, but at a location, say, the player's Megaton house.


Is that possible using scripting? If yes I would apprieciate it if someone can give me examples on how to do so. I have an idea somewhat on the resurrect thing, but not on the resurrecting after a certain amount of time. Or resurrecting to a certain location for that matter.


Again, thank you in advance, and I really appreciate the help you guys are giving for people who want to mod stuff on the game.

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