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Immersion/roleplay mods?


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I'm currently playing Oblivion, and then I will move on to either Fallout 3 or Dragon Age. I'm an immersion nut, I'm currently playing Oblivion with mods that add realistic fatigue, the need to sleep, and the need to eat and drink, among other things. Following that same theme, is there a list of mods compiled somewhere for future reference that contains some good immersion/roleplaying mods for Dragon Age? There are several such lists for Oblivion, and I've found one for Fallout 3, just curious if there are any good mod lists for DAO. Thanks.
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The top 100 list is a good way to see some of the highlights of dao mods, but I havent seen mods that add that kind of immersion yet. From my time with Dragon Age, it becomes very immsersive on its own beause you always feel the story pulling you forward whereas Oblivion and Fallout are more sandbox like in design allowing the player to immersive himself in their own personal stories. If you dont find what you are looking for with the mods here you can also try the Mods Request section of the forum to see if someone would like to make it.
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Not sure anyone has done anyting along the lines of a "sleep/eat" mod for DA, since those sorts of activities just aren't part of the game flow. Since the events of DA:O take place over the course of approxiamtely a year-to-a year and a half, that would be an awful lot of meals and naps!


But one can turn-off (almost?) all the "helpful" graphic features (circles marking friend and foe, plot flags, "sparkling" loot, even the GUI) to more completely immerse oneself "in the (gaming) moment".

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Not sure anyone has done anyting along the lines of a "sleep/eat" mod for DA, since those sorts of activities just aren't part of the game flow. Since the events of DA:O take place over the course of approxiamtely a year-to-a year and a half, that would be an awful lot of meals and naps!


But one can turn-off (almost?) all the "helpful" graphic features (circles marking friend and foe, plot flags, "sparkling" loot, even the GUI) to more completely immerse oneself "in the (gaming) moment".


Sorry, let me rephrase. I'm not looking for eat/sleep type mods, that was more of an example and a poor one at that, I think. I'm using mods that add different dialogue choices that allow a little more customization and role play in Oblivion. In DAO that's largely taken care of, so such mods are pointless. Eat/sleep mods are pointless in DAO as well. It's more that I'm just looking for mods that add a little more roleplay immersion to the game. Perhaps DAO has enough of that built in, though. I haven't played the game all the way through, but since I have the time these days I wanted to give it a go :D


I'll check out the top 100, there are some graphical changes that I want to look at and some mechanics tweaks as well. Thanks!

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