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A Bridge Across Time


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This was the poem that inspired mine, The Gift that Passes On. I previously believed it to be a friend's of my mother, but was recently made aware she simply found it on the internet and liked it so she saved it. Nonetheless, it is something wonderful, and I believe it to be a sin to not share.



A Bridge Across Time by Darlene Stevens



She calls to me from long ago;

through sunlit skies; through drifts of snow;

in dancing clouds above the sea,

I call to her....and she to me.


So real was she. She laughed; she cried.

She loved; she lost. She lived... she died.

In hopes and dreams, so real was she.

She lived her life that I may be.


The blood through which my veins does flow.

The same as her's, so long ago.

So it will be. Then when I'm gone,

in a future child it will flow on.


I'll live my life, and when it's done,

I'll live again in those to come.

For I'm a bridge from she to me;

from all that were, to those to be.





Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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I don't, if this bridge across time is around long enough the population of the planet will become too overcrowded, and there will not be enough lanes to make it a pleasant drive.
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