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The groom.


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I knew of one that sang of cheers,

Before those of one would seal her fears.

She knew my name, I knew of hers,

But for what river of red are thy truthly spurs?


She called me son, I called her mom,

But for all of this; is lost under dawn.

The frosty wind may breed your name,

But whatever became of your wintery flame?


Rose to rose, and flower to sky,

There may be no hope, no reason to cry.

Wet be to wet, as cold is to dry,

But how long is it; I forget when to die.


I dare not go, to that place of all places,

Where grief and joy have always clashed faces.

There was that night, when fires would bloom,

And there stood he, the widowers groom.


He waited for her until his legs cried stiff,

He had no idea something terrible was adrift.

As the dusk kissed the world, ready to die.

So did she to him, in one last effort to say goodbye.

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A very sad poem. I could feel the pain in the words and between the lines. I had to distance me, after reading it for a short while and to come back to say, on my behalf, that is a very moving piece of poetry you wrote here Keanumoreira.
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Pain may come in many forms Silver, so to express it, sometimes, isn't all that hard to do. Not to say that I felt it while writing this, but its always good to reflect on life and share those moments that you usually don't. Then again, I'm only sixteen, so you better believe I've never been left at the alter. :laugh:


I guess it's just one of those poems you just feel like creating.

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