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Realistic ammo reload mod


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Hi all, if this hasn't been made yet, I have got not 1, not 2, but THREE requests that would add more realism to the game as one whole mod of coolness. I've put some serious thought into this so I would like some serious feedback on what you all think... If it's a good idea or not, if it can be done, has been done already (if so please post a link), or is not possible, etc. Ok, here we go:


1. Remove ammo count and weapon condition from the HUD.

I have always wanted to try counting my shots or just getting a feel for when my weapon is in need of maintenance. I can disable the HUD completely, but I like the other parts of it so I can't do that. I am checking out Darnified UI, but I can't find any part of the config that deals with this part of the display.


2. Make reloading remove the remaining number of bullets in your discarded clip from your inventory. For example: If you have 5 rounds left in your gun, and you reload, you loose those 5 rounds.

No more reloading when the gun is only half empty. That is unless you want to waste ammo. Because you are, after all, dropping that clip onto the ground and replacing it with a new full one. Having enough rounds in your weapon is a privilege, and in every shooter I've played, this is taken advantage of. As a temporary fix, I am considering disabling or just not using my reload key and reloading only when the gun is empty... but that brings up mod request number 3.


3. Disable automatic reload.

In a real firefight, I don't think I would just automatically reload when empty like a machine. I might have to think and realize "Crap, I'm out!" I want to hear a "click, click" when trying to fire. Also, sometimes I don't want to reload, I just want to change weapons or use an alternate attack. But the reload animation plays whether I want to reload or not, which wastes precious seconds in a fight.


So those are my ideas guys, what do you think?


RAR: Realistic Ammo Reload


Or something like that.. ;)

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a far a point 2 goes i made something similar to that. it requires that the player fills up mags with ammo before being able to use the gun. and when the player reloads the remaining ammo goes back into the inventory along with the empty mag.

here's a little demo (i suggest you watch it at 720p):


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Thanks for the responses guys


a far a point 2 goes i made something similar to that. it requires that the player fills up mags with ammo before being able to use the gun. and when the player reloads the remaining ammo goes back into the inventory along with the empty mag.


That mod looks cool and definitely similar to what I was looking for. I like the idea of carrying a few magazines, that is even more realistic than what I thought of. Do you think you could make it to where instead of the bullets go back into your inventory, they stay in that mag instead of an empty one? So on your last reload, it's the old mag with like 5 rounds in it, and then you can remember that first time you reloaded, that would be sweet. Either way, that's a great looking mod.


The messages on the top left might not be such a bother if you could get rid of the "equip" sound effect that plays with it. I want to do that anyway, I hear it enough times when mods load up at the same time. Other than that, what's that bug at the end do? It like added a second mag? Does it last forever, or eventually fix itself? Love the mouse rage at the end lol

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Do you think you could make it to where instead of the bullets go back into your inventory, they stay in that mag instead of an empty one? So on your last reload, it's the old mag with like 5 rounds in it, and then you can remember that first time you reloaded, that would be sweet.

i'm afraid that's not possible, the only way i could do that is if i had access to the source code.

anyway i'll see what i can do but most likely i'll release it as a modders resource like i did with my recoil script.

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