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Blender mirroring problem


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I've been working on what is my first proper piece of blender modelling, and all seems well, except for one... rather large problem..


in order to have symetry between two sides of the mesh, I used mirroring of one segment onto another (I flipped first, so the normals are on the right side).


I made sure to re-assemble the vertex groups afterwards so that the editted part is in place of the part that it replaced.


Problem is that it's still following the bones on the other side of the mesh. How do I anchor a part to the correct bone?

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You selected the mesh you want to copy weights to, then the one you want to copy from, then did your bone weight copy. I'm guessing the copyee is on the leg, and when you did bone weight copy it took some weights from the other leg (because it was closer).

I find it easiest at that point to go into pose mode, move the legs around (don't keep any changes) and see which vertices are moving and aren't supposed to. Then go into weight paint mode and paint 0s on those vertices.

Pose mode: select skeleton, ctrl tab, the select the bones and use r (rotate) or g (grab) to move the bones around.

Weight paint mode: select from the drop down menu, or ctrl tab in object mode. In the menu at the bottom of the screen you will have a weight slider, set it to zero to effectively "erase" the erroneous weight.

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Thanks for the help, got that working now... still a few weight issues, but I feel I now have the information I need to fix it...


also, it was odd, because it was the calf vertex group that was the issue, and I had not modified that. Also, in the end I didn;t need to do any bone copying (I hadn't copied from one mesh to another, but rather edited the mesh myself, erased the other side, created a flipped copy of the edited part and stuck it on).


As I said, the edited part seemed to be fixed as if by magic, but as a result, the calves messed up, and they had that weight distribution before I edited but worked fine... guess my settings were different from the original or something.

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