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A special mansion/vault player home


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I shall download a house mod that uses Mannequins and have a look I i think I will atempt to do the doors the way you want them, but i will not guantee anything texturing still a bit new to me, as for the fire places i will take a pic of them ingame in vault and show you, you don't think they fit until you see them in a vault then they look awesome


and a question what addon are allowed to be used I have GOTY and have all five Just fallout and Point lookout correct.

as for the grey issue i think it might have something to with portals, did you copy the mansion cell ? if so there are portal of view so certain area are not rendered untill you touch a area where the game will render all the stuff just a trick to make FO3 run better by not rendering a whole cell at once

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Yeah I think it is the portals, thanks very much Lostone :D


Hmm you know, I have a solution to the Mannequin problem that doesn't involve any heavy scripting and would allow people to add their own (although if it works the way I think it should, there would be no need to add any more anyway).


I could attempt to take a leaf out of Andy W's book but change it a little; it would require 2 new textures if Lostone would be so kind; one male and one female texture (hopefully not too complicated, because I just need them to be white and mostly featureless like a regular Mannequin in the game). This would also mean that you would be able to collect male and female armour suits; not just one gender.


I could set them up as NPCs then, do some databasing trickery and everything you give them in their inventory they will equip. That's the theory, anyway. The only problem I can foresee is that loading areas with large amounts of them would be a hassle because of the sheer number required, but I have a solution to that as well; if it's possible, you could make every room that will store Mannequins as a new cell, so it would load itself and not be weighed down by the sheer amount of NPCs. That way you could put a reasonable amount of Mannequins in each room, and there you have it.

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Just remeber I am still new at texturing so I can not do everything yet, will try though


A quick question how do you intent to freeze the NPC's from walking around ?

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Well I think there is one mod that has done very well at placing mannequins though i'm not sure how he did it...it's the mini hideout mod(the one that places a location under the gas station in springvale). He may be using Andy W's as you say in which case I don't see any problem with implementing it then...as none of his mannquins ever moved...and perhaps it wasn't the npcs but the cell of the megaton basement that the mod I had created and it was the thing forcing the mannquin NPCS to towards the exit(which I think is more likely what happened than a problem with the mannequins). Dont' worry about setting a new cell for the room that contains the mannquins as my computer is more than capable of handling that many npcs at one time...just as long as the mannquins are spaced far enough apart to allow walking room among them :P. Anyways hopefully things are coming along well and this request is not driving you guys too insane. :P
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well its up to you, which way you'd prefer, but I don't think anyone has made any completely bug-free mannequins at this stage, at least not to my knowledge.

I'd like to try to make some at some point anyway. As for the walking around part, NPCs don't walk around unless you make them through behavioral packaging, so all you have to do is not add any and they just stand there. I may need to use some other tricks I need to experiment with in order to get them to stop doing other things that NPCs would usually, but it is possible.


@ Lostone, don't worry if you can't do the texturing or you have trouble with it, it's just an idea :) I intend to try texturing at some point, so I may give it a go when I have some free time to prepare myself for modding NV when it actually gets released in the UK (Friday!!! woooo!!!)


@ TheTorturedBodySoul, LOL I started out insane; it saves time and effort. The mansion is giving me significant difficulties, but it comes along in degrees. Lostone was right about the portals, they do need to be changed. On the other hand, I have never done anything like that before, so I am learning it as I go along. Again, sorry if it takes a while; I still have much to learn but am usually a fast learner, so I'll get it eventually!

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hmmmm I seem to be having some geck problems - it's broken. I am trying to fix it now, but it doesn't seem to be letting me do things properly. Every time I move doors to a certain area, they get deleted and it won't let me work with the portals correctly. Hopefully it will right itself in good time, but seems to be ok when i restart it which lasts about 5 minutes. I'll report back once it's fixed.
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Well, I have tested it at length and the good news is, I don't think my Geck is broken, it seems to be working fine on other cells; my only problem is when I try to edit Calvert Mansion, then it starts doing very weird things (which is probably why I haven't gotten round to finishing the mansion yet when usually it only takes me a couple of days at most to do something similiar).


Anyways, I have a proposal for you.


I started working on the smaller mansion yesterday to test my Geck and when I found out it works fine, I started editing it. Now, it won't be as big as Calvert mansion, obviously, but I have been adding rooms. It would include all the features that you wanted; it will have all the emnities of a player house, a large reading area, master bedroom and spare bedroom, entrance and foyer (for Dogmeat's firing location), games room, etc. I have even layed out an area very similiar to the larger mansion where the grate to the vault / security room can be placed.


I have to admit, I even prefer the smaller one myself, having a test run through it - it's a lot less maze-like than the calvert one, and you don't get lost nearly as easily. It still feels like a big player space, just not overwhelmingly so.


In light of my stupid Geck (though to be fair, I haven't tried modding that particular large mansion cell before, so it could be a widespread problem for everyone for all I know. Could be why no one's done one before?) is the smaller mansion acceptable for you? It would be finished far more quickly and, indeed, is zooming by on progress already. There is even space in the Games room for a bar (if you wanted it there, you can still have the bar in the vault if you wish though - it's entirely up to you).


Also, did you decide which Mannequins you prefered? Let me know what you think :)

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Personally as long as I can see it and it looks good that sounds fine by me and in fact I would have no problem with it. And, yes I think I would like a bar in the games room just so that it's not crowded though so that you can walk all the way around the pool table...I would love to see it :) As for the mannequins as I said I am not sure what mannquins were used in the mini hideout mod but I think he used andy w's models as well although he may have made them a bit more lifelike but i'm not sure...anyway, whatever works is fine by me and that they look kinda like people yet mannequins at the same time and are able to use both weapons/armor/clothing...though I don't believe that I will be allowing them to display the weapons as I would prefer the display tables to show them off and would rather just leave the mannquins to show off my accessories alone :) Also will the grating that leads to the vault also lead to and underground tunnel which leads to the blast door(as all the ingame vaults do). Anyways sounds goods and hope to hear back from ya soon, thanks again :)
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