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A special mansion/vault player home


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that seems to look pretty nice but is there a console on the inside too to open and close the gate and respawn the turrets if they are destroyed? The tunnel would be fine or it could just lead directly into the mansion(either one is fine with me). The location looks sweet too, am I correct in thinking that that entrance is just below the overlook near the vault entrance? :)
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I can put the turrets on respawn, and there will be a console on the inside :)

yep it is just below the outlook, so it's close to everything that you wanted it to be in proximity with.

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I personally think maybe you should do a tunnel that leads into the mountain and maybe two verations which ever sounds cooler the tunnel leads into the vault underneth and you acend the vault into a new world space and you can fit the mansion plus whatever else he may want into that area or pehapes a tunnel that leads to the mansion if you want to do the first but don't know just ask me to do it i am experienced with world spaces, (I like to put my mods in custom world spaces my computer cannot really handle fallout 3 with mods in the wasteland) also from looking at your fence gate setup that will look weird i think as the tenpenny gate from the look of the pic will stick out the walls when open I suggest a chain link fence gate or use the brother hood washington mounment gate if you need help i can set up the gate


with turrets do you want them to respawn from the terminal ? I can help you do that if you want say you have to pay a bit scrap metal maybe to rebuild the turrets ?

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Well at most I would want the tunnel to lead to the mansion part, not the vault...the vault part will basically that large mannquin room for armor/clothing display, the large room with tables for weapons display, the laboratory with different things usually found in the vault labs, and then my personal master bedroom...basically the vault part is meant to be a stronghold within a stronghold to contain my personal quarters and the special treasures I collect and display throughout my journies. I would like the turrets to be respawnable through the console if they get destroyed, but at no cost, just instant respawn(like the turrets in the KORS vault mod). As for the gate well whatever you guys think is best...I think it looks okay now but I don't know what will happen when they open and thus you two would be more adept at such knowences than I...but I think we're beginning to get a great going on this mod and I really appreciate your efforts on my behalf :)
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okey i give the person working on this a rundown on how to make turret insteadly respawn it will look a little weird when they die but anyway


first you have to create a new turret in the geck use the one you used as a base

next thing go though the tabs on the turret like inventory...etc

untill you find the Destruction tab


in that you will find Destruction data disable it

next if you have two turrets name each set as persistent ref rember the names such as aaturret1

go to your terminal make a new command such as repair turrets or something like that

then type for each turret name

put turret name here.resurrect

volia a basic turret repair system

you can vary it more if you want


any probs just pm me

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Thank you for the respawn instructions :)


I basically lay out something first, then finish the scripts and stuff once the interior design is done; if there's any problem with the gate and suchlike I can always shift it around once I have the opening mechanics down :)


Just an update: I have cleaned up the mansion, deleted all of the events so it's basically just a big house now and I'm now working on rennovating the interior - don't worry, the general feel of the mansion and such will remain. How would you like me to approach the lighting? A lot of the lightning comes from the windows of the mansion, which obviously wouldn't work underground. Shall I get rid of the windows and add some more artificial light sources?

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Yes, I think that would make more sense, please do that. Though please add a fair amount of light...I hate dark places(unless i'm treking through like a dungeon, in which it should be dark then :P) Can't wait to see the mod after it's all finished...i've already got quite a few pieces of crap waiting to be displayed and/or stored. :D
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