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How To Play LEGO Universe On A TV


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You don’t need to play LEGO Universe on a console to play it on a TV and LEGO Universe will not be on a console. Go Here to show you how to hook your PC to a TV. It may be hard to read things in the game such as the chat system. Now an optional cable they say you need is the 3.5mm to RCA audio cable. Well I did not use it and all it is for is to use the speakers on your TV for sound but I just used my computer speakers instead. Now if you want to use a controller when you play on your TV since it would be easier go Here but I still recommend you have a wireless keyboard for using the chat system and for building on properties.
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It may be hard to read things in the game such as the chat system


I would guess this to be the case, unless you have a very high def TV.


Hope you've been enjoying Lego Universe - I played for a while as Beta, but don't have the time to dedicate to it now. :(

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