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Play as Tifa/Tifa saved game/Play as companion


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Goal: play as Tifa. (Yes the ff7 Tifa)


http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22980 [Tifa Companion Mod]

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23014 [Texture Fix]


Request 1: Does anyone have Tifa game saves?

Request 2: How do you play as companion characters?


-The text below is extra info for if it helps or if you’re interested-


Personal Grudge

Cursed by fate or personal ignorance, I’m not sure which (maybe both). But I seem to have the uncanny ability to make anyone I make in oblivion “fugly” beyond belief without fail. Even worse, is that I say that knowing full well that the following (and much more) exist: ren’s beauty mod, beautiful people, cute elves, lineage 2 elves, corean race, the new Desuchan’s dolls, and more. Despite the blessings of the mod community, it has done little to ease the level of fail that has seeped into my very bones.


Main point: anyone I create in oblivion is always insanely “fulgly”.



Anyway, it’s for that reason, I’ve come very dependent on game saves from the mod community. I’m no artist, nor artisan, and sometimes I wished more people would upload game saves, but I can’t blame them, after all it’s their work, and their effort, at the end of the day, it’s their choice to share their knowledge and gifts with us. And while I can only wonder how many modders will actually read this, I want to say thanks.



However one thing I did notice, is that there are an insane amount of companion mods that seemed to have fairly nice characters and nice faces. Alas, I rarely ever see the option to play as the actual character. You can never play as them, only with them. Watching them with my fugly character, I often have to put some extra stat points into “charm” if you know what I mean.


Recent events

Anyway, I was just browsing through nexus, when I bumped into these mods.


http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22980 [Tifa Companion Mod]

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23014 [Texture Fix]


Fed up with my fail, I thought I’d contact the makers and ask their help on how to play as them vs. with them. I got some help here and there, and someone referenced me to http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4772, but it seems a little off the mark. That aside, my search for Tifa game saves has been marked with failure. Anyway, I was ultimately told my answer ultimately lies in:




My dilemma

As you’re reading this, I’m likely wrestling with that construction set, and failing horribly in my vain attempts to understand how to use it. But I’m no modder either, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it took months or years to fully understand what I need to do in order to: convert a companion mod character into a saved game character which I could play as.


My request

I was also told that if all else fails, to trust in the forum community with my dilemma, and pray they would sire remedies to my burden. And so I bestow my request upon you; oh dear reader who has spent precious moments of your life to listen to my plea! Do you:


1) Have Tifa game saves?

2) Know how to play as companion characters




My thanks

The average human being rarely wakes up saying “Hey! How can I help my fellow oblivion players.” And I imagine even less reading “please help me forums”. So on that note, I wish to say thank you very much for privileging me with your time, and taking the time to read this (yes even you lurkers). Now then…”Would you kindly” help me?


Thanks again and god bless. (^_^)

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Try the following:

0. Make a backup of your safe file and a copy of your companion mod (Always have a backup of anything^^)

1. Open the construction set and click file, then data in the upper left corner.

2. Choose the companion mod you wish to play as.

3. Once opened, choose character, then race from the options at the top,then choose the race of the companion and click on the text data tab. Make sure the "playable" box is checked. If it already is checked, just close the set without saving.

4. Save and start oblivion with the mod enabled.

5. Start a new game or use the console and type showracemenu and choose the companion's race.

6. Save and start Oblivion Face Exchange Lite (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7808)

7. Open Oblivion Face Exchange Lite, choose the safe file you just created and click "edit save file" in the lower right corner.

8. Click "NPC" in the upper right corner of the menu and search for the companion you wish to have the face of. The program will ask you what you want to paste. If you're totally fine with the companion as is, just click "paste all".

9. The program then will create an .ess (save) file. Just name it anything you like.

10. Have fun being your companion.



This procedure should work on "most" mods and will make you an exact copy of said companion, however, sometimes changing the original mod can cause it's corruption and you will end up with no hair or eyes. I had this issue when I tried to edit something with the persocom - Belle companion. Don't worry, even if that should happen, the face won't change. If it happens, just replace your edited companion mod with the backup you made or re-add the hair/eyes via the construction set.


If you want to simply have the face without the race, just start with step 7. Do note that you might not look "exactly" as your designated companion then, due to possibly different head meshes, textures and so forth.



So much for the general ability to play as companions. Or any other NPC, for that matter.


Edit: Both tifa races are set to "playable" by default, so you can just choose them via race menu and paste their faces with Oblivion Face Exchange Lite. The one that comes with the upper link is called imperial, the one that comes with the skin fix is actually called Tifa.

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