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A n00b Question


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  On 10/10/2010 at 3:50 PM, The_Vyper said:
  On 10/9/2010 at 3:27 PM, LordFrostcraig said:

I have plenty of good enchants to share...


Weakness to Fire 100% 1 sec

Weakness to Shock 100% 1sec

Weakness to Frost 100% 1 sec

Fire Damage 5 points 1 sec

Frost Damage 5 points 1 sec

Shock Damage 5 points 1 sec


Now, see how its 100% on all the weaknesses? They stack, meaning they multiply. 15 points, then 30, then 60, then 120, then 240.... and so on. I use it to tackle anyone. Also, 5 points for 5 secs takes less charge out of your weapon than all at once.

That setup isn't going to benefit you very much. The weakness effect isn't applied to the target before the elemental damage is, and because the weakness effects run out before you can strike again, they don't provide any benefit. Weakness effects should be applied last and have a duration long enough to last for multiple strikes. The weakness will only stack if the duration lasts long enough for multiple hits. Here are two examples:


Example 1: effective use of weakness.


Strike one: fire damage 5 points + weakness to fire 100% for 5 seconds applied. Fire damage 5 points occurs.

Strike two (one second after strike one): Fire damage 10 points + weakness to fire 100% for 5 seconds applied. For the next 4 seconds, weakness to fire will be at 200%.

If you continue to strike once per second, the damage will stack. It will top out on the fifth strike. Every strike from then on will do the same amount of damage.


Example 2: ineffective use of weakness.


Strike one: fire damage 5 points + weakness to fire 100% for 1 second applied. Fire damage 5 points occurs.

Strike two (one second after strike one): fire damage 5 points + weakness to fire 100% for 1 second applied. Fire damage 5 points occurs.

The weakness effect is not carried over because it didn't last long enough.


Also, enchantments that do damage over time will get you more uses than enchantments that do all the damage at once. Examples below:


Example 1: All at once.

Fire damage 25 points on strike. Charge used: 46. You will get 34 uses out of this if you enchant it with a grand soul.


Example 2: Over time.

Fire damage 5 points for 5 seconds on strike. Charge used: 29. You will get 55 uses out of this if you enchant it with a grand soul.


So the question is, do you want more uses and less instant damage or do you want more instant damage and fewer uses?


I put it backwards now that I look at it. You put the damage first, then the weaknesses. Next strike multiplies if you do that. Bad call on my part. You only need one second. You also have to happen to strike fast enough. Using a dagger/shortsword works best.

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