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Religion in Skyrim


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I started thinking to myself, there's so many temples in Skyrim but we never really experience them to a full extent. The temples feel empty and desolate and people rarely engage in any practices of their religion. I was thinking about a mod that is similar to Inconsequential NPCs and extra encounters, a mod that immerses you more into the temples of Skyrim. You do find some vanilla necromancers and witches in the woods but it feels static a lot of the time as if they are just waiting in the game to be attacked.


It could involve:


NPCs in the major cities engage in practices of their religion, services or rituals.

NPCs attack or comment positively or negatively if you are wearing a certain pendant.

You come across certain cults or rituals, how interesting would it be to come across naked witches engaging in a ritual in the woods?

Dynamic events that make religion feel as if it is a part of the daily life in Skyrim.

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