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Some work for Modders


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Silent Frontline (New Adventures)

Need's your help in Interiors!

We are in need of some Interiors for Offices, Shops, Houses, Schools, Factorys, Metro Stations and all sorts of other Interiors.


We also in search of one or two Modelers who can Repair/New/Add-to NifSkope (.nif file) and know how to add 'Colision Data' to the NifSkope files is a plus.


Interiors & Modelers are welcome to join the team if they wish though if you dont want to join then your name will go into the Credits


More Info






In the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\BuildingsComplete\BLD07c4x4


At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Office. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building and more to come.




In the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\ArtDeco\ArtDecoCor02.NIF


At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Shop. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building.




In the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\ArtDeco\ArtDecoCor01.NIF


At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Shop. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building.


A member of Nexus is Making this interior for me. Though Im sure they will go a good job, I may need another interior for this Building.



BLD06Corner01Rd.NIF & BLD06Mid01.NIF


In the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\BuildingKits\BLD06Corner01Rd.NIF (4 used)

n the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\BuildingKits\BLD06Mid01.NIF (4 used)


At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Office. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building.



Power Plant


(Photo from the Wasteland)


At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Factory. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building.






Contact Info

[email protected]

Edited by TheDarkReaper
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