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An inquiry into help with putting a custom species into Skyrim as a playable species


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Hello forum residents. I am new to this place, and ah, was uncertain if I should do this but, its worth a shot right?



I have a world built up for D&D Campaigns that I've been working with for several years, and one of the species from that setting that I devised, I have grown interested in the idea of inserting into Skyrim as a playable character species.


I have a 3d model already, made by a friend, UnrealFox of DeviantArt (Cannot link his page due to er... well, the nature of some of his work) and I am uncertain how to conduct the process of rigging the model to use in Skyrim or any of the procedures of actually converting it into the file type required for entering into the game unfortunately.


Would it be possible for me to acquire aid in actually going about this? I'd provide the model and someone does the work?


An image in reference to what the end result would be, however in sketch form....


(In-case the images are broken....)






Not exactly a very tall species, fast moving however. More or less incapable of sustained/effective magic use, instead they have an ever-present health regeneration as a passive bonus but not an overly large amount per second, in the colder climate of Skyrim they have a thin fur layer that is of vestigial nature, not very helpful, its pathetically short.


The next image is an older, but in color sketch, depicts the body coloration that would be visible in the mod due tot he short fur pattern along the body (Lighter places are where there is just bare hide with no covering) (Please pay no mind to the futuristic weapon.... one of those campaigns was more.... technical than the others)






They have large eyes due to being primarily nocturnal, and large ears for better hearing and heat dispersal, something that will not be very helpful outside of their native, arid climate like Skyrim tends to be the complete opposite of.


The reasoning for the lack of apparent female referencing is due to their similar proportions between genders, it is difficult to tell them apart except in behavior, the females are more focused on order and structure and the males are a bit more chaotic in nature.


Thank you for your time in reading this proposal and request for aid in seeing this creation of mine realized within Skyrim as a playable species. I hope you have a great day!

Edited by SquallEndymion
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