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Game only works after PC restart- why?


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SKSE manage scripts, so, it can be. Better go to skse topic and see for further information about it. I dont think is the problem, but anyway I would mention that skse have in some installation an issue with the memory management, not assigning the 512 or 768 mb to the block1. So try anyway to check if your skse is running well wtih http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50471/?, is really simple to do and assure you one thing less, because many out there has reported that their skse doesnt keeep the memory change from 256 to 512. Is that is the case, let me know.

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"tweakfollowerscript" is a script belongijng to AFT: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/652301-amazing-follower-tweaks/page-90


A clean saves program is important too, to remove any unused script, and call me naive but also Im thinking about cleaning the memory everytime you get out the game, with f4 and opening a navigator, like iexplorer. I think you are in the situation where everything counts fro trying. :smile:


My personal favourites for cleaning saves are this 2: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?

and http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53045/?


I mean F5.... ;)

Edited by Electronauta
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  • 1 year later...

Update: I discovered that TES5EDIT won't let me clean mods when the game has crashed basically telling me the .esp is in use. So this adds to the suspicion that skyrim is somehow running in the background somewhere or doesn't fully close. I cannpt find anything having to do with the game in task manager....

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Thanks for responding Kroekr! To answer your question: I have. I have tried restarting Steam, updating my drivers, killing unnecessary services and processes.


Updating my gfx drivers did allow me to start the game again, but once it had crashed around Solstheim (That place and I have a love/hate relationship), the issue remained as before; I had to reboot windows to continue my game.

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  • 10 months later...

Hate to revive a super dead thread but has anyone found a solution to this? OP looks like he never replied with his fix which is kinda a jerk move IMO lol anyway, I've never had this problem in the years I've been modding Skyrim but as this thread has said, I boot up Skyrim fine can play several hours no problems, I go to exit then restart the game and game will CTD right as the main menu should come up. The only fix it seems is restarting my computer which begins the cycle anew. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is a very strange bug!

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