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Slavers to friendly and slaves to happy >.>


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Hi all,


Almost done and ready to release the first version of my mod within the next week or so but one of the main things annoying me at the moment are some of the NPC's.


I have a slaver guarding a group of 4 slaves. On his patrol route the slaver stops to chat with the slaves (he isn't meant to -.-), and when the player moves within range of either they all do the default "how you doing" or "hello" thing.


How do I shut them up and have a grumpy unsocial slaver and downhearted hopeless slaves that aren't so chatty! (neither to each other or anyone around them)




PS. Just to be clear I don't mean when the player initiates direct conversation, I have that sorted, I mean when NPC's are sandboxing/patrolling.

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Are these NPCs you've created yourself?


And, ya, this is a very annoying problem with NPCs. I agree wholeheartedly.


:) llama


Edit: I guess I'm asking what dialogue they have. If you made them do they just have the collection of generic dialogue that a "Slaver" has and the same with the Slaves. Are they just regular Wastelanders or whatever?

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Thanks for the reply, they are just preset characters ie GCPresetblahblah; and I have given them the faction Watelander Force Goodbye. (despite this the slaves still ask to be freed... but I guess if I was one I would really really want to be free to >< )


Your correct, just the generic dialogue, I haven't edited that at all.

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Thanks for the reply, they are just preset characters ie GCPresetblahblah; and I have given them the faction Watelander Force Goodbye. (despite this the slaves still ask to be freed... but I guess if I was one I would really really want to be free to >< )


Your correct, just the generic dialogue, I haven't edited that at all.


If you just want them to be quiet this will work:


You can turn off the generic dialogue you don't like. You can do that by going into each dialogue line adding the condition GetIsID yourNPCsID == 0. This will not stop other NPCs from accessing the dialogue but will prevent your NPC from using it.


:) llama

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