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appon the day the kiwi's disipeared


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before i start please excuse any and ALL spelling / grammer for i am utterly useless at theese things


chapter one: The Forgotten Land


Once every meleana or so the populis seems to suddenly dwindle in numbers, the reasion you may ask, War..... war never changes and remains the constant

forever humanity is at war with itself from the first moment man thort. not oly at war with eachouther but themselfes, emoations forever conflicting. But this is not a story of humanity, only of a contry witch seemed to vanish as if not even there the day the earth shook and war once again did what it did best, end.....


He rubbs his eyes as he slowly clambers out of his bed a loud vioce booms over the speekers "Good Morning Valt-Plex, it is a loverly sunny day once again, today's daths is the tenth of the twelth ,twenty two fifty five(10/12/2255). Let the dome protect, untill next time this has been J J" an as the music starts to play over the speeks he washes and shaves for today the dome falls as it has been planed for meny a year. his name, Kane.


as the man named kane hurred to the secret meating place for the outher "rebels" carring with him a tube filled with docquments and files regarding the dome, the dome witch shealded Valt-Plex, the contry formaly knowen as New Zealand compleatly from the outside world. for as it was the dome not only shelded but also made the contry invisable. the marvil of Valt-Teck theye called it, an electro magnetick sheld witch bended light around its curcumfrace. the conty was selected because it had no way to defend itself or retaliate in a nuklear war the war witch Valt-Teck planed all those years ago to try and hide its experiments on humaity... with the cristal knowen as tiberiem.



so whatcha think?

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What are you using to write? Nearly every word processor has a spell checker built in, and some can even help with grammar - but always take the grammar checker with a grain of salt as they are more intended for business writing than stories. :rolleyes:


I hope you are not trying to write the story using the piss poor editor we use for posting comments here. If so, there are several good free word processing programs that will make it much easier. Write your story off line, then post it somewhere and use a link to direct people to it to keep from losing any formatting.


The story sound like an interesting concept. Do you have an outline? Or a story line to work from?

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I don't want to sound rude or anything but...


PLEASE. Proper grammar and spelling. It ruins everything to have to decipher what someone else is trying to say. A post on a forum is one thing, but a story or any sort of opinionated post is another. If reading a grammatically and spelling free story is like a smooth highway, your story is like driving off-road, tons of bumps and all. The meaning in your story will not come out nearly as powerful or influential as your intentions. You lose a sense of authority with your reader, and in a debate for example, it may throw everything you have said into question.


Nobody absolutely has to read what you write; anyone can just come by and leave just as easily. Get the reader in tune and make us want to read on. Nobody is rushing you to post your story either; just like any post on a forum, take some time and clean it up. Have some patience. ;)


And bben46's right. Grammar and spell check is nice, but don't ever fall back onto it completely. Whenever I write any sort of essay, I always check to make sure everything is exactly how I want it. MSWord likes to mess things up big time.


But yes...interesting concept. Perhaps you can edit your post in the future to make some of the said amends. :D


You may not be from somewhere like the United States...but proper writing mechanics really...REALLY help.

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