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Convert npc in a follower


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Can you please list her voice type? Certain voice types can't be assigned to followers.

I don't change the voice type, is possible export the npc? to paste here
Regardless of whether or not you changed her voice type, it's possible that she has no follower dialogue recorded for her voice type. The voice type should be listed under race in the CK.
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Can you please list her voice type? Certain voice types can't be assigned to followers.

I don't change the voice type, is possible export the npc? to paste here
Regardless of whether or not you changed her voice type, it's possible that she has no follower dialogue recorded for her voice type. The voice type should be listed under race in the CK.


I changed the voice type but nothing changes, if i create a npc from zero the dialog appears.

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Then it is not possible for her to become a follower as she has no follower dialogue. You could A) create a look-a-like NPC from scratch or B) use smashlys mod.
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If she had no voice set, the dialogue would still show up. So it is definitely not her voiceset that is the main issue.


You can fix this issue by going into first person mode. Open the console command window, then click on the NPC that you want to follow you.

Type the following:

addfac 5C84D 1

Setrelationshiprank "NPC ID HERE" 4
Player.setrelationshiprank "NPC ID HERE" 4


Make sure that where it says "NPC ID HERE", you type in the ID of that npc (it shows up in the top of the command window when you click on her).


For the sake of simplicity, please also download "More Follower Voices" as this will make it easier to make most NPCs your follower without crashing due to incompatible voicesets. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36913/?


Edit: Even if you gave her follower factions and relationship levels in the CK, it is a bug that this does not carry over to the actual game. Sometimes you need to save while near the NPC, then reload the game. An easier way to do this is to open the console, click on the npc, and type "disable" then "enable".

Edited by Myuna
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