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"Pipboy Readius" mod Xbox controller-compatible??


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Does anyone know a way to make AlexScorpion and Brianide's Pipboy Readius mod work with an xbox controller?? The mod activates and works fine if I launch the game with a keyboard, but when I switch to the controller and go into the Pip-boy, all I see is an empty wrist animation.


I've been able to make Bare Metal Pipboy and Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy work with a controller by going into the mod's folders, locating the one named "pc" and renaming it to "xbox" (thanks bethjunkie!). The "Pipboy Readius" however is set-up as a FOmod, which I don't know how to manipulate (if it's even possible to). I've poked around in FOedit to see, but there's nothing obvious and I don't really know what I'm doing there.


I'm unfortunately not proficient gaming w/ keyboard/mouse but this mod looks incredible and I've got to figure out a way!!


Thanks for ANY possibly helpful suggestions/comments.

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